Creating an Entourage of Experts Part 1
As a full-time Canadian real estate investor, we must be able to create multiple streams of income for ourselves. In past articles I have gone through many strategies of creating a network and database in order to create an flow of deals coming to us on a regular basis. But that is not enough… it is never enough!
The average investor relies on one or two realtors to get them their deal and they will typically work with any other “real estate professional” in the closing process of a deal. That person often is the most inexpensive person to work with and is often referred by who? The realtor of course! I personally feel that this is a mistake. (BTW I am not down on realtors. There are lots of great ones out there…but there are lot of bad as well!)
The following series of articles will outline the best way to create your entourage of experts, and aid in facilitating your business to its best potential, thus making you a very successful full time real estate investor.
Creating an Entourage of Experts Part 1
for real estate investments
Which professionals are required for our team? Let’s discuss a few.
Realtors and not just one realtor. Investors do need a few realtors that are specialists in working with investors and are out there continually looking for deals for us.
Professional mortgage broker that we can rely on to get us financing and is creative.
 Real estate lawyer that is the top in his business and understands creative real estate.
Private Canadian hard money lenders that can provide us private funds quickly.
Property insurance agent that can insure our properties in the best possible means at a great price.
Property inspector who is an expert in the field.
General contractor that is used to working well under pressure.
AACI appraiser, not just a regular CRA appraiser… one that is better.
Investment accountant who is well versed in real estate.
In future articles we will get into the particular attributes necessary for each real estate professional to be worthy for your “entourage of experts.”
So stay turned for our next article!
Canadian Wealth Builders offers many unique, practical, “out of the box” real estate investor training which offers the student hands on, in the trenches style instruction to facilitate both a different mindset as well as a successful and lucrative real estate investment business. To find out more, please go to
Your success is our business!
Navtaj Chandhoke